our mountain-fresh air & total disinfecting system

Kings Highway Tennis Club uses AtmosAir Bipolar Ionization to keep its staff and players safe. Our technology works by emitting bi-polar ions into the air continuously disinfecting air and surfaces.

Through our Bipolar Ionization system, we are able to provide active continuous disinfection that attacks and neutralizes over 99.92% of Coronavirus particles in the air and on surfaces.

In general, most coronaviruses spread in the same manner as other cold-causing viruses: via aerosols directly (infected people coughing, sneezing or touching an infected person’s hands or face) or indirect contact (touching fomites like doorknobs, elevator buttons, elevator buttons, etc. then touching your nose, eyes, or mouth, the conduits of entry into the body). Since the virus is spread via direct and indirect contact, the continuous application of Bi-Polar Ions emitted to ambient air by the AtmosAir System continuously disinfect both the breathing space and surfaces. It is the most effective system for continuously cleaning and decontaminating indoor air.

As mentioned above, the possibility of aerosolized spread of COVID-19 and the ability of particles to hang in the air for extended periods of time, would make the consideration of an active air cleaning strategy even more prudent.

Also, because Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses, they are easier to kill compared to naked viruses like Noroviruses. AtmosAir has shown significant reduction of bacteria and viruses in both laboratory and in on-site testing. AtmosAir’s technology is backed by science and used by over 7,500 commercial and residential buildings worldwide.

Click here to read a recent case study.
