High Performance
SummeR Tennis PROGRAMS

The high-performance spring junior tennis program is for competitive players who wish to learn the ins and outs of the game of tennis. The practices are designed to expand the player's abilities by training them outside of their comfort zone.

Springjunior champs and champs Tennis programs 2024

Junior Champs ORANGE BALL
(Ages 10 & under)

Junior Champs Orange is for players that are beginning to compete in tournaments and have found a desire to become great players someday.  The main emphasis will be to develop footwork fundamentals and strong technical foundations. Players will continuously be reminded to organize their feet properly and set-up for shots early enough to connect with the ball in-front. 4:1 player to pro ratio.

*This program is by invitation only

1.5 hours, twice a week - $936/person
2 hours, twice a week - $1,428/person


Junior Champs Green BALL
(Ages 12 & under)

Junior Champs Green is for competitive players that have progressed from training with orange ball. Junior Champ players are expected to have a solid technical base with few inconsistencies. While their technique will be refined, the main focus is to get as much repetition as possible.  Consistency will be stressed in every training, and players will be allowed to experiment more with their game styles during point play.  This is to bring a creative dimension that will teach the player to think outside the box when competing. Footwork drills will be incorporated throughout practice. 4:1 player to pro ratio.

*This program is by invitation only

1.5 hours, twice a week - $936/person
2 hours, twice a week - $1,428/person

Junior Champs Yellow BALL
(Ages 14 & under)

Junior Champs Yellow is tournament players that have already spent time developing their game with orange and green balls. Players will continue developing their consistency through repetition, while also working on a range of tactical offensive and defensive match skills. The key focus will be to train the Junior Champs player to anticipate and adapt well to variations in match-play. Meanwhile they will continue to refine their technical abilities to become more efficient players.

*This program is by invitation only

1.5 hours, twice a week - $936/person
2 hours, twice a week - $1,428/person